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God them boys

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God them boys Empty God them boys

Post by Hellhound4ever Wed May 29, 2013 3:21 pm

I have three boys, Tiny, Cujo and Kaiba. They do so much everyday that endears them to me more and brightens up my day so I want to share some of it with my friends.

To better understand them you have to understand how they came to with me. So that is what I am going to do on this first post. How did these specail boys come to live with me.

We are going to start with Cujo since he is the first dog I rescued almost 11 years ago. I came out of my apartment one day and saw a white sock swirling around in the drain. I jumped in to grab it for the lady that I though had dropped it in there since she was standing my it. When I got ahold of it, I was shocked to see a small little dog.

It was four weeks old and the lady said that she had done it because she got tired of him because he had too much hair. I told her that she would never get a chance to touch him again. I took the little one in my apartment and found that he was not even weaned yet, so I had to teach him to eat without his mother first. His first meal was ice cream because that was all I had in the house with milk in it

About a month later a fried came across a breader of beagles. She had a runt in the last litter that was full of worms so instead of taking him to the vet to get him the shots and medicine, the lady decided to shoot him since she would not get much money for him. His ears were too short and he was not long enough so she could not sell him. My friend brought him to me in hopes that I would give him a home. I did and named him Tiny, he was Cujo's new playmate.

Now fast forward 9 years so we can get to the little one. I finally decided when Cujo turned 9 years to let him mate for the first time. We bred him to a chi-weenie of my neighbor. That is where we come up with Kaiba. He is the only surviving pup of his litter. I was going to name him Hellhound or Reaper but the lady asked me not to, so his name became Kaiba. He is called my little man sometimes when I want to snuggle him.

That is the backstory of the boys and I hope you enjoyed it.
The New Kid
The New Kid

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God them boys Empty Re: God them boys

Post by Hellhound4ever Wed May 29, 2013 3:22 pm

Cujo’s First Snow

Hello, folks my name is Cujo. I am a Pomeranian puppy. I am 2 months old, and solid white with lots of fur. I live with my momma, Antisocial and my two sisters, MorningStar and Heavenly. They are very sweet and love me very much. I have decided to share some of my adventures with you, because we puppies like to have fun. This one is about the first time that I ever saw snow.

The morning started out like every other one. Momma got up and started fixing breakfast while I lay in bed with my sissy’s watching TV. We were watching ‘Blues Clues’ that day. Heavenly likes to watch it, and we have to share with each other. I like the show too, but Star thinks that it is too childish.

When breakfast was ready, mom called us in to the table. She had made us oatmeal that morning, and told us to hurry because she had a surprise for us. I had puppy chow with formula, since mom would not let me have the good stuff. We ate quickly so we could see what the surprise was.

After we ate and mommy washed dishes, she told my sisters to put on warm clothes. I did not know what was up, but everyone seemed so excited, so I had to be also. We were all at the door when she opened it. My sissy’s ran out, but I just stopped. I was in shock. Everything was white, and it was so cold outside. I did not know what to do, since I had never seen the world like this before.

Star came over and picked me up. We walked out some from the door, and then she just dropped me down into the white stuff. I could not see anything because it was so high, and very cold. It was the same color as me, but I still did not know what it was. It was wet to my feet but did not seem to have a smell to help me identify it. It was hard to walk through, so I started trying to jump over it. Every time I landed, the ground gave way on me.

Momma finally came over to pick me up and put me on the top of her car so I could see. She was rubbing me down to warm me up and telling my sisters that they should not have done that to me. While she was doing this and telling me that I was going to be okay, a white ball hit her in the head.

She looked up with a smile on her face. Grabbing some of the cold stuff, she rolled it into a ball before throwing it at Star. They started throwing them back and forth at each other, and laughing. They were having so much fun in the stuff. They even lay down in the stuff and started moving their arms and up and down. Momma told me that they were making snow angels, whatever they are.

Mom finally put me back down in it with them, but stayed right by my side so I could not disappear in the stuff. I still had to jump to get through it, but we were together, so I did not really mind. I still was not sure about the white stuff, but with my family watching me, I knew that I would be safe.

They decided to build something they called a snowman. Each of them rolled a large ball to the middle of the yard. They then put one on top of the other, and the smallest one went on the top of the other two. Heavenly went into the house and came out with a carrot and two buttons. They put the carrot on the top one below the buttons, saying that it was the nose and eyes.

I did not understand how it could see and smell out of those things. I know that they eat the nose a lot and that seemed weird to me. Why would you want to eat something that could smell you? Maybe my family was going crazy, I hoped that they weren’t.

After we played in the white for some more time, mom told us that it was time to go in. I was glad to get back in the warm house on floor that I knew. Mommy then made us hot chocolate, which she gave me some of in my bowl. It was very good, and I drank it all.

She said that the white stuff was snow. I am not sure if I want to see snow again, but I definitely want more of the hot chocolate. I can’t wait till we have that again. It is okay to put up with the cold snow, as long as we can get more hot chocolate.

Well that was my first encounter with snow. I have mixed feelings about it. There is no telling what I will experience next, but I look forward to all new things in life. How about you?

I love you
The New Kid
The New Kid

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God them boys Empty Re: God them boys

Post by Hellhound4ever Wed May 29, 2013 3:24 pm


I want to tell you about Cujo’s first and only son. He was born on March 14, 2010. It is a miracle that he survived, he was the only one that did.

My mom has always had to play vet with all the animals I bring her to save, but this one was really hard on her. She had allowed Cujo to mate for the first time in his nine year life. It was hard for him, he had been run over by a diesel at 1 ½ years and it broke his back. She mated him with a chiwahwah, her name is Lexy.

Lexy carried the pregnancy to term, even though she was really fat. The day of the birth, she was running through the house, because she could not get downstairs to her birthing drawer. This was her fourth litter, so she knew what she was to do. When mom and Lexy’s mother finally figure out what she wanted, they took her down to the basement and set up the room for her. Mom was renting the room so she was going to stay in there with her while Lexy had the puppies.

Lexy could not seem to get comfortable, she kept rearranging the covers in the box and running around the room. Mom could not understand why none of the puppies had come out yet so she got her mother to come downstairs and help. She had already been in labor for ten hours, and her panting was getting worse by the minute.

When Jen, Lexy’s mother, looked inside her, she saw a white puppy trying to get out. No matter how hard they tried to move it, there was no way to get him out. Unfortunately the bag around the puppy broke while they were doing this, and the puppy died. This posed an even bigger problem for them. They had to get that one out so the others could be born or they would lose them all and the mother. This really upset Jen, she did not want to have Lexy die. She loved her too much.

Jen begged my mom to save the lives of the mother and puppies, even though she was not a vet. My mom only knew of one thing they could do, they would have to remove the dead dog somehow. After making sure that the puppy was indeed gone, they tried different tools to remove it. When the salad tongs and tweezers did not work, mom only knew of one more thing that she could use. She just did not want to do that to a puppy, alive or not.

My mommy had jen hold Lexy’s head while she examined her. Making sure that the puppy was indeed passed; she took a needle and opened the baby’s mouth. Putting the needle into it, she had to push it through the top of her head and pull it out. Lexy was crying along with her owner and my mom. She said that it was the hardest thing she had ever had to do and never wanted to do it again.

The puppy looked just like Cujo in color and she felt that she had just killed him. Once the fetus was removed and Lexy got a chance to rest, another puppy was born. He was very tiny, but alive. They waiting all night to see if there were any more, but he was the only one. After examining the still born, they learned that many eggs had joined to make a monstrosity. They figured that it would not have lived long anyway, but that did not help my mom.

She wanted to name the survivor Reaper, since he was going to be her dog, but Lexy’s owner would not let her so she named him Kaiba. I tell my mom that she could be a vet but she tells me that they are not supposed to cry, so she knows that she would not be able to handle losing an animal. Kaiba is now a ten month old healthy boy, he looks just like his mother. He had his father’s attitude and tail though. He is a happy little mess, but my mom loves him to death.
The New Kid
The New Kid

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God them boys Empty Re: God them boys

Post by Hellhound4ever Wed May 29, 2013 3:25 pm

Hi, my name is Cujo and I want to share the day I got my brother. The day started out like any other one. Momma woke us up and fixed our breakfast, french toast with syrup and bacon. My favorite part of it was the bacon but the syrup is good too. After we ate and mom cleaned the kitchen up went out to play. Since I was so little still, we had to wait on mommy to watch us. She said that a bird could take me and a bad person could take my sisters so she watched us closely.

While we were out there chasing a butterfly when a car pulled into the parking spot and a lady with another little girl got out. The little girl came over to play with us while the lady walked over to mom and talked to her for a while. It was fun playing with three girls and when they all were petting all over me I loved it. They stoked my fur and kissed on me and talked in a sweet voice to me. I liked the new girl, she was as nice as my sisters. They said her name was Brandy and she was here with her mom on a important mission.

After a while the lady called Brandy over and they got in the car to leave. Mom called us into the house and sat the girls down to talk to them. I was still wanting to play, so I went to moms room and got into my toy box. Soon I heard Star scream and I though someone had hurt them so I ran into her den, only to find her hugging mom and kissing her. I did not understand what she was so happy about but that was her excited behavior, so I went back to the room to take a nap.

I had just laid down with my tiger when Star came in with Heavenly and began to make another bed by mine. I tried to figure out which one would be sleeping by me when mommy came in to tell me I was getting a brother. This sounded good since I already had two sisters and wondered what the new baby would look like. When someone knocked on the door I ran barking to it to protect my family.

When mommy opened it the lady with Brandy was back but she had something else with her. It looked like a blanket, so I thought they were just bringing it for the new baby. She sat on the couch with mom and looked at the blanket while the girls stood in front of them. I did not understand what all the fuss over a blanket was, they were warm and cozy but not all that.

The girls moved back and they sat the blanket down in front of me. I got happy thinking it was for me so I went up to sniff it, it would be good in my bed with my tiger. As I was doing this it moved, I jumped back and started barking at it. Soon a little black face appeared, it's huge blue eyes staring at me in fear. Walking back up to it, I stopped barking and just sniffed it. It did not smell too bad but it needed a bath in the special shampoo they used on me since it smelled like a dog.

I carefully pawed the blanket off it to find that it was bigger than me by double. It was black and brown with short ears and a tail longer than mine, but he did not have as much hair as I did. I walked all the way around sniffing him to say hello but he looked so scared so I sat in front of him to talk to him.

"Hi, I am Cujo and who are you?"

"I have no name yet, no one named me since I am to die." he told me, his voice quivering like his mouth.

I was so shocked "Who is going to kill you and why do you have to die?" ready to cry.

"I am not sure, something about worm, and not being the right kind of dog. They said no one will take me so I am not worth the doctor." he told me sadly.

"Well that must be why you are here then, you wont die anymore. My family wont let anyone hurt you, ever. I almost drowned when mom jumped in and saved me. She is the best and so are my sisters. Star is the big one and the other one is Heavenly. They make sure I have plenty of food and water and toys. Come one I will show you where you will be staying now."

As he followed me, I took him to our room and showed him his bad and the toys we would share. I also showed him where the food and water were kept. He sniffed the food for a second before eating a bunch, then drinking. He looked back at me and did not look so scared anymore.

"You mean that you get all this and they would do the same for me too?" he asked me hopefully.

"Yes they are the best, all I have to do is play with the girls and let mom bath me ever few days and let them know if anyone knocks at the door. It is easy and I will share everything with you, you are my brother now."

Mom came in then and looked at the two of together. His ears went back and he layed down to the floor, scared again. She gently picked him up and petted him lovenly. "Your name is Tiny and now you are a part of this family. I hope you will be happy here and love us as we will love you." she kissed his head and sat him back down with me.

Tiny looked so happy that he began to cry. "It is true then. Someone wants me and I know am loved." he asked wanting to believe it.

"You are and you could not have found a better home or family to join. You are one of us now." I told my new brother.
The New Kid
The New Kid

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God them boys Empty Re: God them boys

Post by Hellhound4ever Wed May 29, 2013 3:27 pm

Hi! It’s me Cujo. I came by to tell you about the time momma took me and my brother Tiny fishing. I hope you like it.

We woke up one day to find mom packing up a cooler with stuff from the cold place. That is usually where she gets stuff that she eats from but I don’t know what they call it. I like getting in the top to stay cold on a hot day. After she got the cooler full, she started getting stuff out of the cabinets and putting them in a bag also. That was a lot of food for some reason so I started thinking she was going to leave us all alone for the day and got sad.

When she opened the door and told us to come one, I ran out to the car happily. Jumping into the front, I got in mommies seat to wait for her. I don’t let anyone get in her spot, or near her while we go riding. This allows me to stick my face out the window and let the air hit it. Tiny likes to let his tongue hang out but I don’t see what the big deal is with it, I did not like it when I tried.

When momma opened the door and said “Excuse me” I moved over just enough to let her sit in so I could get in her lap by the window. I did not know where we were going but did not care as long as I got to go with my mom. I love her more than anything in my life, including my squeaky toy and treats. She is the nicest person I have ever met and is always there to protect me when I need it.

As we went down the road, I watched the trees as they went by, and fought off the need to go mark all of them. It seems like we drove for a year when we finally got to a house where there were other dogs that looked different to me, so I barked at them letting them know that she was my mother and they were to stay away from her.

After we drive for such a long time and I am about to bust, we start slowing down then turn onto a bumpy road. Mom drives a little further, and we turn onto a yard with no road. It is all grass and we go bumping along through it carefully. Tiny is loving it as he hangs out the window with his tongue all over his face but I don’t really like it so I stay in momma’s lap by the door and watch out the window for danger. When we have gone to where more trees start, she stops the car. That is when two guys walk up to her door and I start barking my head off letting Tiny know that mom is being attacked.

He comes over and helps me warm them away, but mom tells us that they are okay. We don’t believe it but mom says for us to hold it down so we have to even though we don’t like it. When they open the door to help her out I try to bite one of them, but mom catches and scold me for it. They help her unload the back of the car and while mom is holding me and leading brother, she walks us down a big hill with weeds all down it and sticks.

When we reach the bottom, she takes me over to the blanket that one of the guys are laying out by the cooler and sits down with us. She then asks one of them to attach Tiny’s leash to a tree by the water. They bring these big poles over to her, and she starts putting some string and stuff on them. They then walked over to stand by the water and throw the end of them in the water for some reason. Mom just sat there with me in the shade and put me a cup of water out. The minute she started breaking my treats up into little pieces, I would snatch them out of her hand. I don’t know exactly what they are but they are so good.

There was a commotion from the water as one of the guys started yelling something and pulling on his pole. Mom started cheering and Tiny was jumping up and down barking. After a few minutes he pulled something out of the water and onto the land. It was still moving flipping and jumping around. Tiny tried to catch it and the man was helping him. When they had it, he let Tiny sniff it and lick on it. The man then brought it over to me to smell, but to me it smelled bad.

He then took it back to the water and put a line through it and threw it back into the water while mom put another wiggly thing on the end of the line on the pole. This went on for the rest of the day but it always ended the same, with the man putting the line through it and back into the water it went. I did not really understand why he was doing this if he was just going to let it go. When the sun went down, we got up to go home and he reached into the water and pulled them all out with the line still attached to them. I don’t know why he did it but it is nice to know that all that screaming was for nothing.

They still smell bad to me but Tiny had fun so I guess it is okay even though I still don’t understand this fishing thing. I was happy when we drove home and I got to lay one mom all the way to the house.
The New Kid
The New Kid

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God them boys Empty The next chapter

Post by Hellhound4ever Wed Jul 31, 2013 4:54 pm

The Next Chapter

Hi, my name is Kaiba. I believe you know my father Cujo. He was the greatest dad I ever knew. Unfortunately he passed, and we miss him greatly. One of the things that was important in his life was to bring his stories to the world. After a mourning period, I have decided to honor my father by taking over in his absence. I hope you like mine as much as you did his.

I now live with my uncle in the house with my momma, Carri. I also live across the yard from my sister. Her name is Sassy, I love her so much. We are just as close as daddy was to his brother Tiny, so she might be in a lot of these stories. She is fuzzy with brown and black fur, and just a little bit shorter than me but a tad bit wider. Sassy is lovable and demanding but when we get together, we are double trouble.

Today I am going to tell you about the time we got some treats from my aunt without her knowing it. Sissy had come over with her mother for a play date. Her and I were jumping all over the furniture and running around chasing each other because my mommy lets us. She wants me to get plenty of exercise so I stay healthy.

At one time I went up to say hello to my autie and she picked me up to give me a hug and kiss. While she was holding me I smelled something yummy somewhere on her. I could not see it but the aroma of it was heavenly and I knew at that moment that I had to have it.

Hoping down I went straight to sissy and told her about it and we worked out a plan to get the good stuff. Sassy went up to her mother and got her attention by standing on her hind legs and scratching at her leg. When auntie bent down to pet and love on her I jumped up onto the ottoman she was sitting on. Sissy is cute but she won’t jump for her mother so I do all the jumping around her.

That was when I hoped up behind auntie and started the search. Following the scent, I came to her pocket. When I nudged my nose into her pocket , I found treats. Carefully slipping them out one by one, I then dropped them on the floor. When I had gotten the last one out I got down and went to let sissy know that I had them.

It was at this time that sissy came over to the treasure chest of treats I had found and we each took one then ran over to the other ottoman and began to chow down. When my mommy saw us eating she asked my auntie if she knew then they came over to see what we had. Sissy and I held the treats tight in case they tried to take them away , waiting for the yelling we were sure what was about to come.

Our surprise came when all they did was start laughing. It was at that time when we knew we were not in trouble. We had already decided that it was worth it anyway because those treats were soo good. It was time for sissy to go home so we gave each other a kiss goodbye and shared a devilish grin. We had played a chance and won, it was going to be fun having play dates from now on.

God them boys Kaibaevileye
The New Kid
The New Kid

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Age : 50
Location : Antartica

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